It's Beginning to Look a Lot...

My backyard looks great.  No more dead grass.  No more stray branches and small piles of leaves.  No sign of spring, summer, or fall.

Just more than a week ago, we received 6 inches of heavy wet snow.

It started melting, but still covered most of the ground when another storm front moved in.  This one a different animal.

Colder and drier meant fluffy snow.  Snow fell from Saturday morning into evening and continued most of the day on Sunday.

It left 7 inches on top of what remained from the first snow.

Starting today it's going to mighty cold for this time of year.

Those of us in these parts expect single digits and sub-zero windchill in January and February. 

We don't think we'll need the long johns and extra scarf before Christmas.

As a result, the birds are back.  Snow covers up many of the natural sources of food and the cold must make the winged ones to stick close to home for a bite to eat.

The snow clearing service has been wonderful. The crews show up when needed and are even clearing the walks by shovel after scraping the road and driveways clean.

Even better, the second winter storm blew in on the weekend.  All was clean and roads clear when it was time to go back to work Monday morning.

Which is why, my friends, it is beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Ev'rywhere you go,
There's a tree in the Grand Hotel, one in the park as well,
It's the sturdy kind that doesn't mind the snow.

Songwriter: Meredith Willson
It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas lyrics © Kobalt Music Publishing Ltd.
Snowflakes in the air, snow on the ground... everywhere.  It's winter in Wisconsin.
