Eight Shopping Days Left

There's a week and a day left to finish your Christmas shopping.

Apparently, so many people are doing their shopping online, the delivery folks (FedEx, UPS, USPS) are having trouble keeping pace.

Maybe they should call that guy with the reindeer.

Jogging around the cyber-mall isn't the same as walking in and out of actual stores.

I have most of my shopping finished.  There is a short list of stuff I still need to buy, and I'm pretty sure I know where to find it.

One of my online purchases is supposed to show up before the big day... good thing there are still 8 days for it to arrive.

For the men out there needing to find the right item for their special someone, the most important rule is to put some thought into it, and not choose something you can pick up at a convenience store.

Good luck!
