One Big Ice Cream

When we were traveling west of Wausau a couple weeks ago, we realized Abbotsford was on our way.

Abbotsford is a nice small Wisconsin town and is home to Abbyland Meats.

But, for me, it's the Hawkeye Dairy Store which puts Abbotsford on the map.

Back in my A.A.L. (Aid Association for Lutherans) days, I organized two or three bus trips a year for clients and prospective clients.

As I got to know my clients better and they got to know my affection for ice cream, I started hearing about the Hawkeye Dairy Store.

I took the family one time on a serious scouting mission.  Later, when our bus pulled into the parking lot and 47 guests enjoyed a tasty treat - we had a new highlight of the day's trip.

The store offers milk, a variety of cheeses (including cheese-heads and other Wisconsin souvenirs); and three freezer display cases of Kemp's Ice Cream.

It had been 12 years since my last visit, but it felt like yesterday as I walked in the front door.

Kemp's is a high quality ice cream, but you can buy it nearly anywhere.  What you can't do is easily replicate the store's ice cream experience.

Here's a hint:  if you hear someone walk up to the counter and order a double-dip cone, you know they have never been there.

A single scoop is a double-dip packed into a cone.  I licked around my Salted Caramel Pretzel Crunch furiously to keep it from dripping down my arm.

Now, I wouldn't suggest enjoying a cone too often, but as an infrequent treat, it is awesome!  It is also worth the trip.
