So, what is a Thai pavilion doing in Madison, Wisconsin?
It's a gift, from the Thai government the Wisconsin Alumni Association there. The University of Wisconsin has a large population of Thai students, more than any other U.S. college or university.
The shelter, was built in Thailand then disassembled and shipped to the U.S.A. by ship, by rail to Chicago, and by truck to Madison. It took three weeks to rebuild in it's new home in the Thai Gardens of Olbrich Park near Lake Monona.
Most roadside shelters like this in Thailand are not as ornate. Madison's shelter is the type usually found at a temple or palace grounds. And, while it looks like a religious structure, it isn't.
Just as interesting that this delicate looking pavilion can handle winters in Wisconsin. But plantation grown teak ceramic roof tiles can handle it.
But look and don't touch!
The building can't handle human hands.
Oils in our hands can destroy the delicate gold leaf covering the building.
When I've seen the Garden in winter, the building is off limits.
In fact, it's remarkable this gleaming building is so available.
It's size - 40 feet long, 30 feet high, and 22 feet wide - seems to have a calming effect on visitors.
Guest speak soft tones as they walk around the buildings.
There is an elegance which elicits admiration as you notice the intricate decorations and Royal seal engraved in the gold.
The surrounding garden creates a home-like area for the Sala. Hardy Bamboo and ornamental grasses create a lush tropical feel for the space.
You'll feel it after you cross over the bridge and figuratively around the world to a far-away land.
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