Week Weather

The last week of weather has offered almost something for everyone.  Except snow, and by the weekend some of us would have loved some!

Starting a week ago, each day became warmer and stickier.

Thursday night delivered a good old fashioned thunderstorm, more than three inches in parts of the area and plenty of damage from wind and lightning.

We weren't immune.  A bolt hit not far away and the TV went zzzzzt.

The cable box and the TV seemed to work after a brief outage, but no more picture.

The cable company exchanged a new box for our fried one and we were back up the next day.  So our main losses were the saved programs on the DVR we never watched.

(Personally, I had four episodes of the remade Roots series on History channel set aside.  I guess I'll wait for them to cycle through the TV listings again.)

Flash flooding did in some homes and power outages left some without power for a couple of days, but in general our area fared well.  We are now close to average rainfall for the year, but when it comes so hard and fast I'm not sure how much good it is for the land.

The air conditioning ran almost non-stop as the juiciness in the air seemed to build day after day, finally backing down a few notches yesterday.

The rain will back off for a few days and temps return to what should be normal this time of year.

Southern Wisconsin has missed most of the big storms this summer.

North Wisconsin recently suffered nearly $30 million dollars in damage to roads and infrastructure.  Storms and fire have created losses for many around the world.

Which sad to say, seems bearable compared to the suffering we humans are inflicting on each other.

And it's the end of July, so hot and humid weather is par for a season of weather; I hope things cool off for us and the weather.
