It's the birthday of the ol' USA; happy birthday to U.S.
If you take some time to review our country's earliest days, I think the most striking thing is how ordinary people came together in support of freedoms.
Eventually, as entreaties were denied by the colonists' governing country, resolve strengthened the determination to create a change.
Sure, there were folks who didn't want to change; who liked the way things were under British control, but as strong passion blossomed in the hearts and minds of the people making a stand in their home country so did the notion of a free country.
John Adams, Paul Revere, and Patrick Henry (among others) were willing to sacrifice their livelihoods and put their lives on the line to reach the goals of the united colonies.
It was serious stuff. Democracy wasn't a new idea, but it wasn't in practice until those early leaders wrote the book a page at a time.
We're adding chapters to the book today, but it seems there might be a few cross-outs and a couple of gallons worth of white-out needed for the most recent history.
I believe the U.S.A. can survive this too.
But, I think as the beautiful explosions in the skies above tonight - the glare from those rockets could light a flame of appreciation for the freedoms we enjoy today.
Freedoms in how we live and acknowledging the freedom of others to do the same - even if they aren't the same pursuits we chose.
In the movie, "American President," President Andrews describes how being a citizen isn't easy, but it's the hard which makes it worth it.
In this most difficult and unusual unfolding year - let's work through it - individually and together.
Happy Birthday, America!
If you take some time to review our country's earliest days, I think the most striking thing is how ordinary people came together in support of freedoms.
Eventually, as entreaties were denied by the colonists' governing country, resolve strengthened the determination to create a change.
Sure, there were folks who didn't want to change; who liked the way things were under British control, but as strong passion blossomed in the hearts and minds of the people making a stand in their home country so did the notion of a free country.
John Adams, Paul Revere, and Patrick Henry (among others) were willing to sacrifice their livelihoods and put their lives on the line to reach the goals of the united colonies.
It was serious stuff. Democracy wasn't a new idea, but it wasn't in practice until those early leaders wrote the book a page at a time.
I believe the U.S.A. can survive this too.
But, I think as the beautiful explosions in the skies above tonight - the glare from those rockets could light a flame of appreciation for the freedoms we enjoy today.
Freedoms in how we live and acknowledging the freedom of others to do the same - even if they aren't the same pursuits we chose.
In the movie, "American President," President Andrews describes how being a citizen isn't easy, but it's the hard which makes it worth it.
In this most difficult and unusual unfolding year - let's work through it - individually and together.
Happy Birthday, America!
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