Snow Day

The Eastern Seaboard is in full-scale dig-out mode right now.

I hope they remember to lift with their legs because even shoveling a driveway after an average snowfall can be the equivalent of moving more than a ton.

Unfortunately for those of us back in southern Wisconsin, where we like to think we can handle the white stuff, we have very little.

A large cataclysmic weather event like "Jonas" does wreak havoc.

People need to stay home if at all possible so public workers have an opportunity to clear roads and respond to real emergencies - not just slips into the ditch by people out for a car-born sleigh ride.

From North Carolina and all the way to Massachusetts, there are piles and piles of snow.

Especially for those living south of the Mason-Dixon line, it's a real hardship with few proper tools in the garage to clean up.   If the power stays on, it can be fun for several days as kids get to play in their winter wonderland.

While parents needing to return to work aren't big fans of "snow days" cancelling school - there is a great video making the rounds from the point of view of a teacher in Tennessee.  It's well-done and very funny.

We had some pretty large snow storms in southern Wisconsin back in 1977 when I was in eighth grade - I recall doing a lot of shoveling and playing basketball.

My friends next door piled up the snow on the edges of the court so we could dive to "save" the ball from out of bounds and we always kept one basketball inside.  That way, when the one we were using became too cold to bounce, we could switch them out.

This weekend's storm is a big deal because it is hitting a large slice of the country's population and areas not accustomed to large snowfalls.

I think if it was the Midwest, we might still get Jim Cantore and the Weather Channel folks, but mostly we'd just refer to it with one word.

