Summer's End

Did you have a nice summer?

Did you ever have to write an essay when you returned to school describing how you spent your summer?

Maybe.  I have a vague memory of writing such a paper or perhaps it was a paragraph during what we knew as "junior high."

Just how was your summer, or your summer vacation?

I didn't have a conventional summer vacation. The days off were spent at State Fair; a Brewer baseball game; and a couple of day trips.  The days I'll remember the longest are the days in early June spent with mom.

Long summer days are coming to a close - the sun rises later and returns to bed sooner.  In less than a week, Summer 2015 will join the history books.  A summer of violence, war, refugees, candidates, sorrow, worry, joy, relief, and happiness.

Yet the summer's not over and we may get a few more warm summer-like days before the shorts and t-shirts give way to jeans and sweatshirts.

The season may be what we make of it and what we choose to remember and how we decide to think about it.

As you reflect on Summer '15, I hope you find your joy.
