Top of the Hill

Have you heard the song "I found my thrill... on Blueberry Hill?"

My generation only heard it on the golden oldies station (when oldies were from the 1950s).  Or Richie Cunningham on Happy Days would sing it on a particularly good day.

Just climb a hill and take in the view, you might feel a thrill.  Indianapolis has (or had, I hope its still open) a restaurant called Blueberry Hill.

It may serve Blueberry pancakes or blueberry muffins, but what I loved at the 'Hill were there chocolate chip pancakes with a large glass of Mt. Dew.  Yep, it's a health food diner, depending on the definition of healthy.

Looking to the horizon from a hilltop offers a variety of possibilities.  Look into the blue skies, observe the puffy clouds and dream about the places you'll go.  Scan the surface of the earth at a distance and it becomes a crazy quilt of colors, nature, and man.  Each dwelling offers a potential story of what lives inside.

You may not find a thrill, but if you see the speck on the horizon, it represents possibilities and opportunities for someday.

Hills don't function as time machines and you won't find a flux capicator sitting behind a bush to rev up the DeLorean... but from the top a hill on a sunny day you can see your dreams.
