Empty drawers - Full boxes

My day yesterday had some downstream current. I was able to check one important detail off the list of things to do in order to close the estate.

Just knocking that off made it a good day.  But there was more on the list.  Over the next six hours, I placed an "x" in front of every room.

Drawers empty?  Check.  File cabinet perused so needed files kept, old ones shredded, and unnecessary files recycled?  Check.

It started with a good breakfast at the Park City Diner where a waffle, crisp bacon, and chocolate milk fueled me for the day ahead.

Lots of memories and items in need of a good home were consolidated from three rooms to one for easier moving day when it comes.  The trash and recycling bins were filled to the brim.  My personal pile grew some, some it stuff requiring a second look before disposal.

Yet one day closer still leaves many ahead.

There was only a rough sketch of the road to the probate finish line.  It's similar to a game I recall mostly the girls playing during elementary school, cat's cradle.  One person winds a thread around the fingers of both hands into a shape when their partner reaches in to take over and create another formation without tangling it up.

Saturday felt like a move forward and no tangles.
