My work week has some variation to it as some days or weeks require different tasks or time, but there is a sameness to it. I get to work about the same time every day and leave t a regular time, too.
Judging by the vehicles I seem to park close to - they have a routine close enough to mine which is why we usually park in the same spots. Maybe it's a rut, but I prefer to think of it as a habit.
It's a different story on the weekend. There is a weekend routine, but it's much different than Monday to Friday. There are a few more minutes before you need to roll out of bed. There can be more time with nothing you "have" to do. Unless there are children in the picture - then you might have even more stuff scheduled Saturday and Sunday.
Leisure time is a difficult animal to figure out. Do you remember predictions close to 20 years ago or more expecting work weeks of 30 hours instead of 40+? Automation and more workers were going to mean more vacation time and shorter work weeks. HA! Thanks to our electronic leashes we are more available than we used to be and sometimes expected to respond when contacted.
Yet most of us, even if we don't have to "work" in our off time - spend time thinking about work or at least checking email so we don't have to wade through 12,000 emails when we get back to the desk Monday morning.
The days of Saturday and Sunday can have some touchstones we look forward to and expect each weekend. Worship. Time for exercise or a long run or bike trip. Golf. A family meal. Cleaning or laundry. Sometimes, we need our free time on the weekend to prepare for our weeks of work. Some folks prepare a week's worth of meals each weekend.
From one routine to the next our body clocks adjust from Friday to Saturday and back on Monday.
That could be where Monday "blues" came from as well as giving thanks for Fridays.
It's Monday - welcome to your work week and thanks for including me in your routine.
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