Father's Day

We celebrate Dads today.  Happy Father's Day!

If your Dad is alive - it's not to late today to reach out and say thank you and share your appreciation with him.  He'll like that more than the fanciest tie.

Dads, grandfathers, and uncles can fill the positions of male role model in the lives of the kids around them.  It's possible they'll influence some children, and never know their impact.

My dad was there.  Perhaps one of the underrated characteristics of being a father.  Achieving that title doesn't come with the birth of a biological child, it's earned through late nights, diaper changes, throwing the ball in the backyard, helping with homework, and offering advice before those little ones leave the nest.

Journeys with Dad included trips to the dump (remember those?), to the hardware store (3 times to make a project official), for doughnuts, and long distance trips to 35 state capitals.  On those trips there were stories; long discussions; and off key singing.  It was a blast.

Into adulthood, the relationship changed a little.  We talked about jobs, family, sports, and other stuff we found important.  His last last seven years, we lived close enough to get together frequently - every Sunday during football season.  I can't recount conversations, but the times are burned in my mind.

Looking back through the years - there were things I observed that he probably didn't realize.  I saw him work hard to provide for his family.  He and mom were at a lot of ballgames when I didn't get off the bench.  He was an enthusiastic supporter - no matter what.

Your dad is special too.  It's your job to see why and thank him.

Our dads do more than bring us into this world.  They help us learn how to navigate our path; survive the journey; and (hopefully) absorb enough to help the next generation on their adventure.

Happy Father's Day!

Since it's the first day of summer - look for the blog extra at 11:39 Central Daylight Time.
