My blog this past Sunday was the first one using pictures it shot - and it will take me a while to get used to all the features it brings to the table.
Just one of the things I'm looking forward to exploring is getting to exchange lenses to create new images and zoom in when the opportunity is available.
It was just a few days after picking up the camera that i thought I lost the lens cover (that's the small black disc over the lens that says Nikon).
Losing it concerned me because it would be easy to scratch the actual lens in normal use. I had last seen it while getting familiar with camera features while sitting on my couch. After an hour or so, I got up, and the cover was gone. I looked on and under the couch and didn't find it anywhere.
You could probably buy a delivered pizza with the loose change and dollar bills hidden inside the couch? While reaching beneath and between the cushions I felt something that didn't feel couch-like. I contorted my arm for a better grip and pulled out the long remote control for the flat screen TV that we haven't seen in two years!
That search continued. Still no cover.
The bottom of the couch had a cloth cover, so I figured out a I might be able to tip the couch so whatever was inside would fall to the front where I might be able to detect it.
There was already a six inch slit on the edge of the cover. I reached in and there it was! Now I'll be more careful with it!
The camera allows for more precision in focusing the camera - for one of the first shots, I was real happy with this one of the train heading in the tunnel.
Since starting this blog almost three years ago, the camera has become a virtual partner in the topics explored, as the photos frequently get me thinking about the day's topic. I hope you continue to enjoy them.
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