My stuff is key here. The owner of the "stuff" is the person who decides how important it is. If it's not my stuff then it's easy to re-purpose it, recycle, or throw it away.
Judging what to with the scrapbook of elementary school yearbooks? Whoa. That might be important to my archivist someday!
In keeping with the day - it's important to look at your "collections" instead of paring them down or choosing what books, clothes, toys, or memorabilia should find their way into boxes heading to Goodwill or St. Vincent de Paul.
Lately I've been thinking more of what "stuff" I really value and which "stuff" is merely taking up space. There are books I enjoy, but they take up a lot of space, and let's face it - there are libraries and e-versions of books that take up less space!
Yet, in some precincts there are things worth preserving. Mere objects aren't valuable. Memories of time together is to be treasured most.
For now, though, we can enjoy the collection of tickets and ticket stubs from games. It might make sense to have a large collection of ball caps (30 Packer hats alone), too.
Hmmm, maybe I'm not really making my point here - it might be better to sign off and get out those elementary school yearbooks after all.
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