Happy Mother's Day

Thank you, Mom!

And, thanks to all mothers.   Over the course of time, moms make a more profound impact in our lives than anybody else.

"All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother,"  were the words of President Abraham Lincoln.

My mom rarely sat down to give me an instruction book to life in words.  Instead, she did by her actions.

Juggling commitments as a volunteer at church, the hospital, or Red Cross - she also found time to get the stuff I needed each day for school and prepare the treats each kid needed to furnish on their birthday.

I learned a lot from my mom.  The importance of following through on commitments, for one. Using time in service to others, as another.

Lutheran heritage of study, service, and worship were evident in our home.  She learned American Sign Language so she could teach Sunday School to students at the State Deaf School.  She taught and lead both Sunday and Vacation Bible School.  If there was a church service, our family was there.

Yet, like most moms - she doesn't take credit for what was part of her daily life.  Today is the day set aside to say thank you.  We don't need to limit those moments of appreciation to one day a year.

Happy Mother's Day, Mom and thanks!
