It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit.
Like the fresh blossoms on Apple Trees - there is a lot of wisdom for us in the words of the 33rd President of the United States.
Many scoffed at the haberdasher from Show Me State when he ascended from the Vice President's office to that of President after the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Just who did he think he was? He couldn't possibly achieve the things his predecessor did, and the circumstances in the United States and the world were not favorable at the time he took office.
Instead, he managed to get a lot done. When he took office, he asked the members of the Cabinet for their advice. He worked with Republicans on foreign policy even though the two sides disagreed on a lot of domestic policy.
Legislative accomplishment seems remote these days on the state and national levels. Some states have the same party in control of both houses and the governor's office, but that isn't what I think of when it comes to moving society forward politically.
You need the ideas and ideologies of disparate sides. Then winnowing the ideas into a central position that becomes one agreeable to all - neither side likes all there is, but see it as a solution to the problem at hand.
Lately, it seems lawmakers and influence peddlers worry more about who wins more than creating solutions. Add in a likely presidential bid by the Governor and it becomes clear why getting the credit is so important.
I think ol' "Give 'em Hell" Harry would have choice words for the men and women in Congress and many state houses suggesting they get to work and worry less about who gets credit.
What an interesting idea!
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