Back on the Balcony

How does your garden grow?

Ours is planted and arranged along the railing of the north facing balcony.  Last year was a good one for a small cherry tomato crop, so more of those are in cultivation.

14 different planters and probably more than 20 plants are in residence here in mid - May; we'll see how many survive to harvest.

Marigolds provide a splash of color, as do some impatiens (are there patient flowers?), and a large planter of purple petunias.

Just green is provided by an herb garden (bottom photo) which is designed to add a home-like touch to home - cooked meals.

It's fun to watch the progress and all those chores that usually come with a garden - tilling and weeding come to mind - are on a much smaller scale when the garden consists of various pots and planters.

Less of a harvest of the fruit (tomatoes) and vegetables are a consequence of very little direct sunlight.  Our location gets a few minutes after sunrise and maybe ten at sunset.  That means we don't get as many juicy tomatoes to enjoy on summer hamburgers.

Yet on the cusp of the growing season, we are farmers.  Hopeful that the season favors growth.  We can bring the water and talk to the plants, but the result is unknown.

It's a nice place to sit with the morning paper; go online; or read a book.

For now there aren't many insects visiting the new garden.  Hummingbirds, House Finches, and Northern Orioles are regular guests at the feeders hanging over head.

Another advantage of the elevated garden is we haven't worried about rabbits or deer treating themselves to the green buffet.

If we do, I hope that's because they learned how to call upstairs to be "buzzed" inside.
