My, my. I can see what some of the fuss was about... but not because of the subject as much as the general raunchiness throughout the picture.
Just in terms of the general story, though, it is an interesting satire and commentary on North Korea.
If you haven't seen Seth Rogan films before; this one earns its "R" rating for foul language and intense scenes not appropriate for young viewers. Parts are pretty funny. Sections are insightful. Other scenes in the movie are just plain stupid.
Look for it on Netflix or in the library and watch to learn what all the fuss was about. It's interesting that threats removed it from theaters when it was to premier and those same threats delivered more eyeballs to the screen than otherwise would have seen it.
You may watch only one movie this year. You don't want that movie to be "The Interview."
Really, make it one of many so you can say you saw it and then quickly washed it down with other cinematic fare.
I'd give it one star on a five star scale, but I suspect it gets some mentions during the upcoming Academy Awards for the notoriety it earned and its place in a national debate on free speech.
Free speech isn't about protecting great or important views - it's also about protecting the inflammatory and disrespectful.
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