Sequels, Part I

It makes some sense, I think, to start a blog about sequels with a part one designation.

My plan, sometime in the future, is to unveil another "take" on the topic in this blog.

Just when that might be I can't say.... maybe tomorrow, maybe next week, but someday....

In the news this week is the announcement that author Harper Lee is ready to publish her first book in 55 years.  Go Set a Watchman will come out later this year and features Scout and Atticus.

Lee famously had not written a follow up book after her first, To Kill a Mockingbird took off and was later made into a play and feature film.  That is a difficult act to follow.

Yet another sequel is planned for 2015.  Sequel VII in the number of movies in the Star Wars series, but delivered by Disney after George Lucas sold them the story and rights to the next film.  The Force Awakens will likely seat more fans on opening night than the 2 million books scheduled to be printed in the first run of Harper Lee's coming book.

Interestingly, Lee's book to come was actually the first she wrote.  People at the publisher thought it would be a better story told from the girl's point of view.  That worked out pretty well.

Watchman was thought by Lee to have disappeared, and was only found again recently.  It will be interesting to read the story that actually inspired the first sequel.

Stay tuned...
