It's Cold - - again

It's the dead of winter, or so it seems.

The coldest temperatures of the season are upon us.  Even gloves, scarf, hat, and sturdy winter coat seem ill-equipped to handle the cold.

It's enough for a fleeting few seconds, to question why any of us live here and not somewhere else where cold is a day in the 50s (Fahrenheit).

But, these temperatures also make us feel alive.

Muscles work harder to do ordinary things in the cold.

Just walking from the car to the office seems to take more effort, double that if walking into the chilling wind.

It is really cold, at least on my personal weather gauge, when the inside of your nose freezes upon walking out the door.  That kind of cold is setting in and seems to want to stay awhile.

Less than bitter cold warmed us during December, but with at least two full months of winter ahead of us... those "mild" days were not to last.  No one is calling these few days a part of any Polar Vortex yet.

Yet.  It's just good old fashioned; reminds folks of how it was way back when kind of freezing cold.

Weather good for steaming cups of tea, coffee, and hot cocoa.

Weather good to sit by a roaring fire.

It's weather to be careful and make exposure to the cold in bite-size pieces.

Of course, when it is this cold, it feels like you could take a bite out of the air!

Be careful out there.
