St. Nicholas Day

If you grew up like I did then St. Nicholas Day probably hasn't been on your radar very often when it comes to holidays in December.

The story, as found in a number of places online - trace St. Nick to Greece just a couple hundred years after the birth of Christ.

He wasn't exactly Santa Claus, but the person we call Santa had his origins with Nicholas.  A priest then a Bishop in the early Catholic church, Nicholas is known for giving away his fortune to help others.

He especially liked helping young women who didn't have the money, the dowry, needed to be given in marriage.  Nicholas was spotted by a would-be father of the brides who saw Nicholas drop a sack of gold down the chimney with the daughter's name on it.

That delivery may have hatched the idea of hanging stockings there and implanting dreams in the hearts of small children, "in hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there".

This day isn't the commercial excess that our world has turned December 25th into; its more of a celebration of giving to and helping others.

Some St. Nicholas Days are marked with empty boots or shoes outside of doors to receive small gifts or candies.  It's time to celebrate the giving and the thought.

What a concept - celebrating the thought behind the gift - Happy St. Nicholas Day.
