Madison gets 8 hours 59 minutes and 39 seconds of fleeting sun today.
Just three seconds less than yesterday, but tomorrow gives a second back. Five more sunny seconds the following day and ten additional ticks of light the next.
It's a bit discouraging to have 15 hours and 21 seconds of darkness. Or, in the best glass is half full sense - maybe it's prime time of sleep. The earth sleeps - shivering without a blanket of snow in these parts.
Longer nights have fallen on us every day since back in June. A couple seconds or a few minutes at a time. The light passed by unappreciated until it was gone.
Yields of Vitamin K may be sought in tablets, capsules, or gummies with the sun on a southern vacation. And the winter days of sun become a tease as the bright light is accompanied by cold temperatures as the absence of clouds leaves nature's back door open to let in all the icy cold air.
During the past month, each day's shadows seemed longer on the street and through the window. Darkness was our passenger on the day's ride home from work. And on the way to work as well.
It's been a long trip to this shortest shots of daylight. Now we get to start the long, steady climb to the apex of the sun in the sky.
Bundle up - enjoy the season.
Just three seconds less than yesterday, but tomorrow gives a second back. Five more sunny seconds the following day and ten additional ticks of light the next.
It's a bit discouraging to have 15 hours and 21 seconds of darkness. Or, in the best glass is half full sense - maybe it's prime time of sleep. The earth sleeps - shivering without a blanket of snow in these parts.
Longer nights have fallen on us every day since back in June. A couple seconds or a few minutes at a time. The light passed by unappreciated until it was gone.
Yields of Vitamin K may be sought in tablets, capsules, or gummies with the sun on a southern vacation. And the winter days of sun become a tease as the bright light is accompanied by cold temperatures as the absence of clouds leaves nature's back door open to let in all the icy cold air.
During the past month, each day's shadows seemed longer on the street and through the window. Darkness was our passenger on the day's ride home from work. And on the way to work as well.
It's been a long trip to this shortest shots of daylight. Now we get to start the long, steady climb to the apex of the sun in the sky.
Bundle up - enjoy the season.
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