This time of year is time for "goodies."
A homemade buffet of sugar.
Maybe your office becomes a smorgasbord of cookies, cakes, muffins, breads, and candies.
Just what is a person to do?
It seems the polite thing is to graciously accept a sample, but what about all those work-outs and days of deprivation to get into "fighting trim?" Ah, it is a difficult trail to negotiate.
Looking at some of the sweet treats can add pounds to your waist without a taste... if you put one in your mouth that favorite (or not so favorite) Christmas sweater will need to stretch j-u-s-t a little further.
You should be nice - after all, they didn't have to bake all that chocolate goodness. And, isn't chocolate good for us? An anti-oxidant, I think, that sounds like something that should be good for us.
Small bites and just one sample is a good strategy. A co-worker of mine said the more there is the less inviting it becomes. This, to me, sounds like a good plan - bring in more treats, eat less! Let's see how that works.
One of my favorite treats at the holidays isn't necessarily a Christmas goodie, but I think they are spotted more often this time of year.
It's the Peanut Butter Blossom.
Simple goodness. A Hershey's Kiss dropped gently so it is surrounded by a peanut butter cookie.
My technique is to eat the ring first saving the kiss for the last bite. It is so good, I don't do very well limiting my intake.
But it's Christmas... if I get enough of them in front of me I'm sure I'll get tired of them.
Happy Season's Eatings.
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