Warm Hands - Cool Memories

I'm a firm believer in the concept of function over fashion.

And, I'll admit my preferred way to stay warm while on my bike on cool mornings are 1,000 miles from fashion.

But, it works.

A pair of cotton work gloves work just fine.  They are light and breath, but keep the cool chill off the skin.  They are also inexpensive.  You can find them at any hardware store.

They work for early morning runs.  The odd thing is that my legs and arms don't get all that cold, so if I keep my hands warm then I feel pretty good getting out to move.

My last ride was quite cool for the first several blocks until I remembered my gloves were in the bike bag.

Just putting them on warmed me up, and kept me comfortable all the way to the primary corner in Shopiere.  Shopiere, by the way is derived from chaux pierre, French for limestone, which is abundant.

Installed decades ago is a four-face clock installed to honor the veterans of the Spanish-American War and World War I and in particular Lester F. Butler who died fighting in WW I.

Looking at the clock as I rode up, it felt good to see it still standing, and then felt even better that it was keeping accurate time.

You can travel through a lot of small towns, and not see another clock like it.

It brings back memories of picnics in the park along Turtle Creek and attending a parade or two there with my family while growing up.

What's your favorite small town memory?
