Chapter 21 - Dinner Guest

It can sometimes take a while out on a farm to make a full and proper thank you.

So it was that last night we had Jacob, the EMT who was first on the scene the day of the traffic accident to minister to Harmon, over for dinner.

His work that day was among the many little things that went blessedly right in helping the farm boy enjoy a quick recovery and a tale to tell.

It's unusual on a weeknight to have a dinner guest.

This guest, Jacob, is not so much a guest or friend as a member of the family these days.

He grew up with Scotty and Rich both in school and on the farm.

They loved fishing down by the stream or four wheeling through the farm fields after the last of the hay had been put up for winter.  The three were together so much, a lot of folks who didn't know for sure, thought they were brothers.

Jacob's light blond hair, easy smile, quiet demeanor, and sneaky sense of humor served him well through school and is a huge blessing to the folks around here who rely on him as an Emergency Medical Technician.

He volunteers as an EMT with a hope to someday work full-time in Madison, Dubuque, or Quad Cities.

For now, he works for a paycheck at Marberg Implement while he waits for the right opportunity.

At Marberg, we count on him to find the right parts for our new and old equipment and get us scheduled for service when we have no time to get it done.  He's proven his worth many times over, and I know his boss there is worried about the day he decides to leave.

Since it's the middle of August, Scotty and Rich teamed up on getting the barbeque pit fired up and the extra tables and chairs out to circle the original family picnic table.

Red checkered table cloths covered each one, held down with those little plastic clip things that keep it from blowing away with the food.  The tables already are groaning with glistening watermelons carved into baskets plus bowls filled with baked beans, Cole slaw, and fresh ears of sweet corn.

On the grill, Scotty is flipping the last of the prime beef burgers and grabbing bratwurst from the beer bath in the pan to the side of the grill.

It's dinner time!

Pastor Bob is also eating with us tonight and he offers a prayer, "Dear Lord in Heaven.  We thank you for this magnificent Wisconsin evening and the opportunity to gather as family and friends.  We praise and thank you for the gift of crops and the gift of life.  Life you preserved through the work of young Jacob just a few months ago.  We ask you continue to bless him and his work and bless this bounty of food before us.  In Jesus' name we pray, Amen."

Heads lifted and hands unclasped - we were all ready to eat - so to get things started we sent Jacob and Harmon to the start of the buffet line.
