Lake Home

Everyone wants to live on a lake.

Maybe not actually ON a lake, but close as they can.

If you happen to get yourself one of those, you might consider yourself one lucky duck.

This weekend I came across this sharp looking guy offshore looking back toward his home.

He also seemed to be looking out for folks with possible bad intentions. It's a cozy home for ten.  At least that's what I counted.

Only after walking onto a pier and then happening to look back toward shore did I discover why the drake Mallard seemed to be so tight to the land.

When I got a little closer for the top picture, he started swimming away from shore, an instinct to draw predators away from momma and the little ones.

As lake homes go - this is a nice one.

There is easy water access.  Lots of nearby grass for the kids to play on.  Flat terrain so mom and pop can look out for bullies and tough kitties.

Ducklings, like most babies, are quite cute and delightful.

Unlike little human babies... these little guys will be all grown up by mid-summer and off to seek their fortunes.

There is still time to get an education... find a job...  catch the eye of a duck from a good family... and seek out a lake home all their own to extend the family tree.

If you see a duck family... keep your distance... watch quietly... and walk away...dreaming of your very own lake home.

Just make sure you get some flood insurance and flippers in case your feet get wet!
