Clean Up Your Room!

It seems like the ultimate Sisyphean task.

Cleaning up your room.

Sure, it looks good for a few minutes, maybe an hour, but entropy sets in soon enough and your room reverts to its previous normal.

But, it's a ritual to accompany spring cleaning and the desire to have everything right.  Particularly today, the day before Mother's Day, when part of each kid's gift to Mom could be the act of cleaning their room.

Adults are on the hook for this too, but I suspect, based on personal experience, the room most in need of cleaning for us grown-ups is our closet.

Those closets can do a good job of holding shirts, pants, dress shoes, ties, and maybe those folding chairs you bring out when company comes to call.

But somehow, there are winter blankets thrown in there after a particularly cold night and it's too tough to pick them up, fold them, and put them where they belong.

Then, if you have to share a closet, you may have a closet partner who is not as neat as you are - or not neat in the same way - and that's where chaos takes over.

Single shoes looking for a date amidst bachelor socks have no place to go and nothing to do but cause trips and stumbles when you looking for clothes in the morning.

There are enough coins that fall from unemptied pant pockets to fill a piggy bank.  There might be a stray church bulletin or two and a yardstick leaning against the inside corner in case its ever needed to get something that slides under the couch.

It's not so much dirty, it's just messy.

You can't ignore it any longer.

Clean it up.

You might be lucky enough to package it with some flowers and a card for your Mother's day gift.
