Whoop! There it is - Spring!

Just last week the branches were bare.  There was no sign of life.

Now, the leaves are budding and the trees that sit outside my office window are getting green again.

It's quite fascinating how quickly it seems to happen, when it actually has been germinating for some time, under our very noses in some cases.

The leaves on the Crab-apple tree are a sign of blooming flowers that will quickly come, replacing the useless stems that no longer hold fruit.

Migrating Cedar Waxwings will soon migrate through and polish off any remaining mini-apples.  The little apples have fermented all winter, so those birds better hope there aren't any sobriety checks along the Great Flyway.

Just as soon as we think we notice a small milestone in nature's progress, we begin to notice more of them.

Increasing numbers of birds on the wing and songs in the air let us know love is in the air... soon to hatch baby birds eager to dine on worms loosening the earth for spring flowers.

Little eagles have already hatched into their nests closely guarded by talon wielding mothers and fathers.  They expect much more than worms for their supper.

Yellow heads of daffodils and jonquils dot the land... adding little smiley faces along south facing walls and gardens.  They'll be joined all too soon by big pats of butter disguised as dandelions - perfect for little boys and girls to pick for their Mother's Day.  After all, their moms too, come through with much better than worms or mice or raw fish!

Spring seems to come out of nowhere, like it had been hiding behind a snowdrift and will evaporate into summer before we know it.  There will be drenching rains and gusty winds that remind us of the just concluded winter and big potholes that shock us to reality.

So, pay attention!  It's Spring!
