Easter Monday

Happy Easter Monday!

Monday after Easter is still an observed holiday in parts of the world, but here in the States it's nor recognized as an official holiday any longer.

Arguably, most of us probably spend the day after Easter comparing our dinner versus the one they enjoyed and how the time was spent with their families.  Or we might talk about the egg hunt and how long it took the kids to find the eggs - and how long to eat the bunny's ears.

Reaching a bit further back in time, Easter Monday was set-aside for more secular celebrations of the important Christian Festival.  The egg roll on the White House lawn was traditionally held on Easter Monday, and I read that water blessed for use the day before was poured on to friends as a way to mark the occasion.  (I hope that was only in places with warm weather!)

Getting back into work each week requires a bit of transition, and many times it's helped by chatting about the events with colleagues.  That's usually fairly standard stuff - even if we aren't all sharing the same experience.  If that's the case, it's an opportunity to share faith in a non-confrontational manner with others.  If they want to know more, they know your door is open; if not - no offense is given.

Only North Carolina continues to officially recognize Easter Monday.  Many Christian schools set aside the day for vacation and allowing students and teachers to get back into the school routine.  (In some places in the northern states, this year that special day may have been lost in some cases to make up days lost to snow.)

Easter Monday might be best used as our transition day - taking the good news we heard through Lent and its culmination on Easter that changes our lives forever and an opportunity to take the resurrection story out of church and change our lives the rest of the year.

If you gave up something for the season of Lent - then enjoyed it again in Easter's celebration - today might be a good time to think about the reasons we gave up some things and then consciously decide whether and how much to welcome them back into our daily lives.
Today is the birthday of my best friend through early days of elementary, junior high, and high school.  We built forts, had fun playing records on our "own radio station," took many - many bike rides together, and even shared the stage in a high school Shakespeare play.  Happy Birthday, K.C.
