It was a return visit to the pretty little dining spot within view of the east shore of Lake Monona to try out the delicacy that put them on the Madison Magazine list earlier this winter.
Crema is on the southeast corner of Buckeye and Monona Roads.
My first visit to Crema was to try out a flavorful scone... this visit was even better.
We checked in early Friday morning and found it to be quiet with just a few tables busy as most folks grabbed some of their well-known coffee and headed off to work.
I had a day off for some serial NCAA basketball viewing, and knew I needed to have the proper fuel to get through the day.
The Blueberry Pancakes come with toasted almonds (which I had set aside), berries that were bursting like Violet Beauregarde both on and inside the hearty, flavor - packed cakes.
Unlike some of the other breakfast spots, these pancakes were a more manageable size and I polished off the short stack.
Crema Cafe uses locally sourced ingredients and the Wisconsin flavor comes through, even in March, as the crafted breakfast hit the spot.
It's difficult to describe the pancake properly... it's not fluffy and airy, but with the oat pancakes, vanilla butter, and real maple syrup it was a complete meal that gives people the strength to get on with their day.
Coffee started as the calling card for this charming place and the food has attracted an additional following over the years.
The cheerful and patient service provides a warm welcome and a secure feeling that whatever goes into the home-made goodness of the meal is worth the wait.
As I looked around from the table near the front window, the home-like feeling came from the mix and match tables (some of which you might recognize from your home or that of your parents or grandparents).
A book I read last year on Wisconsin Cafes said the best ones make everything from scratch - the Crema Cafe qualifies on that score. And while this isn't a spot for a cheap meal, you will get a good meal for the price.
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