Decking the Halls

A primary reason for tradition is the comfort found in them.

Going home for Christmas to the town and home where you grew up provides warm feelings of sameness and can transport us to those days when we had fewer concerns.

We could spend more mental energy on what we might find under the tree on Christmas Day.

I think that's where our Christmas decorating really begins each year.

There are pieces of Christmas past that become part of our Christmas present.

The ornaments we use include some just purchased as well as ornaments that decorated my father's parents annual Yule tree.

Through the years, the tress have changed size. Because of some downsizing, instead of one seven foot tree, we have two trees that top our at three feet.

They take up less floor space and hold fewer ornaments - but still are able to hold Christmas memories and dreams at the same time.

A good start to decking the halls actually has to start at the end of the previous Christmas.  Taking time to carefully store bulbs and branches, cords and bulbs go a long way to starting the new season on the right foot.

Two barrels are central to our Christmas storage - one holds Christmas lights and cords and tree stands.  The other stores one of the small Christmas Trees and some extra garland.  Plastic container storage boxes hold ornaments and Nativity pieces.

It makes sense that a smaller place takes less time to decorate... so it is my job to get out the lights for the little outside decorating we do.

We don't live on a traveled street, so the decorations are primarily for our enjoyment and that of some neighbors.

For the third floor balcony, a fresh wreath and garland were hung on a nice day.

Unfortunately, I didn't get the lights up that day, waiting instead for a day with highs around 10 and a strong breeze.  The cold ratcheted up the degree of difficulty and contributed to snapping just a couple of the bulbs during installation.

Other than a couple bruises and near frostbite - the lights made it into place and plugged into the timer - so they shine their light of Christmas to our little corner of the world.

As you finish decking your halls, wherever that may be, I hope the decorations on or in your home and in your soul help others experience the true meaning and joy of Christmas!
