Bipartisanships asailing!

Beyond the wildest dreams of many - Republican and Democratic Congressmen and Senators were able to hammer out a deal and pass a Federal Budget.

Well, well.... it's about time.

However, just last month it seemed difficult to believe the two bickering parties would be hard pressed to ever find common ground and get something done.

Congressman Paul Ryan of Janesville, Wisconsin reached an agreement with his Democrat counterpart.  He didn't get everything he wanted, and neither did she.

That's OK, frankly, that is what I expect.

A remark made by Representative Ryan is a good one for all our leaders, and all of us to keep in mind... "Do not let perfect be the enemy of the good."

When perfect represents the only solution in the mind of some (whatever their own definition of perfect might be), then a good agreement can't be reached.

The House passed this legislation - leaving it in the hands of the Senate which is expected to voe tomorrow on the plan.

Congratulations to Washington on finding some good in common.  Now, keep it up - and keep moving forward.  Senate, we are watching you.

12/18/2013 - The Senate has passed the legislation and it's on the way to the President for his signature.

This is not a mountaintop experience, it shouldn't be anyway, for any of the men and women serving in Washington.  But, I hope they can begin to actually govern instead of yell, shout, and grandstand everyday. 

A democracy is messy, but it involves differences of opinion (which we have in spades) and getting work done through finding common ground so the country can keep moving.
