Bus Trippin'

While I served as an A.A.L. District Representative I put together 50 bus trips for clients and prospective clients.

We went to places like:
  • the A.A.L. Home Office in Appleton, Wisconsin with side trip to VandeWalle's Chocolates
  • Color Trips to Bayfield, WI and Stillwater, MN
  • Baraboo, WI for the International Crane Foundation, Circus World Museum, and the Midcontinent Railroad Museum where we rode on an old steam train
  • Wausau, WI
  • a Passion Play at North Heights Lutheran Church in the Twin Cities
  • Hayward, WI
  • and baseball games in Minneapolis and Milwaukee
The trips were a great way to get to know my clients better and for prospects to get to know me.  The trips came with a "sunshine guarantee' and on each trip we took we saw the sun for at least a few minutes. 

Another tradition born was the Father's Day Multi-branch picnic.  There were five branches in my territory - Augusta, Chippewa Falls, Cadott, Stanley-Boyd, and Thorp.  Each branch provided part of the meal.  We played bingo and enjoyed entertainment.  It was a great time together each June.

Branch activities revolved around fellowship and raising funds to help churches, community organizations, and individuals or families that needed financial help due to emergency or medical disaster.

None of what we referred to as fraternal activities were money-makers.  But each one helped me connect with people and get to know them.  It was through that activity that I realized the true blessing of serving others and was wonderfully blessed throughout my career.

The branch officers I worked with volunteered their service - people who worked very hard to do the right thing, help others, and enjoy themselves in the meantime.

Back during my time at Drake, I would have laughed about the idea of selling insurance for a living.  Turns out, the training and work as a reporter made the career a good fit.

An unexpected blessing on the journey of life!
