Back to Wisconsin (the first time)

Working in TV News in South Dakota was great - I flew with the Governor in 1988 to a drought conference.  There were a number of times I shot video that was used on CBS or CNN.  I met interesting people and covered interesting stories.

I shot and edited my own pieces and had a great opportunity to do long form stories for KELO's Sunday night program called "30."

In that show you could have a story run more than 1:20.  My longest was a feature about canoeing the Niobrara River near Valentine, Nebraska.  It came in close to 9 minutes - I shot somewhere close to 100 minutes of videotape to do that story.

But South Dakota wasn't Wisconsin and in the late 1980s that meant I couldn't see the Packers.  The Pack wasn't good at that time which reduced the number of times I could catch them on TV to the two times a year when they played the Minnesota Vikings.

In 1989 I was hired by WISC-TV in Madison, Wisconsin to become their Rock County reporter.  That meant covering spot news (things that happen), agricultural news, features, and some sports stories.

1989 was the first winning season the Packers had in a long time.


I don't think so!

It really was a return home as Rock County was where I grew up.  We moved back to Janesville with a two year old Matthew.  We found a place to rent.  My office was in the basement of the Rock County Airport Terminal building.  I had a News 3 white station wagon waiting for me.

Upon leaving South Dakota, the folks I worked with were gracious.  The South Dakota Wheat Commission named me a "Friend of Wheat."  The Governor declared a "David Mossner Day" that the Press Secretary delivered at a going away picnic.

Thanks, South Dakota - Wisconsin, here we come!
