It's Autumn!

It's autumn!  
Leaves and temperatures fall.
Sweatshirts are put on
Breath steams hello
Hot Chocolate fends off the chill.

It's autumn!
The penultimate act of God's creation
On this revolution around the sun.
It gets up later
Slumbers sooner;
There is much to yet to do - but sand is running out.

It's autumn!
 Leaves explode in bursts of color
As a final show before decorating
The pages of our books
Or piled around our yard.
One more job to do - to check off our list - before the snow.

It's autumn.
Walks, hand in hand
Through crackling leaves
Bonfires leap into the night
Burning memories in our heads and hearts
As the frost etches its pictures in our soul.

Celebrate the colorful season with hay rides and apple cider
Celebrate fall with piles of leaves... to jump in
Celebrate fall with those you love and who love you.
It's autumn. 
