Waves into Shore

The waves rhythmically wash into the shore.
They come in with metronome precision.  Each delivery seems unable to leave its mark.

However, over time those little drops of water create a new landscape. 

The Colorado and Niagara Rivers have done more than create new shoreline, the iconic landmark Grand Canyon and Niagara Falls, are an ever-changing testament to the power of incremental change.

It's a good object lesson.

Most of us don't have dramatic jobs like police, fire, or those in military service - whose roles make an obvious difference to the world around them.  We work, go home, and do it all over again the next day - and if anyone asked what difference we made, it might be difficult to demonstrate.

That doesn't mean we aren't getting things done; more likely, it means we aren't paying attention to the impact our presence has on those around us. 

If you woke up this morning (and I'm pretty sure you did!); you ARE making a difference in the world around you - and those differences (great and small) are changing the world around you.

Keep going into work; showing up at church; help out the non-profits that enrich your lives; be there for family and friends... like those little drops of water coming into the beach you are leaving your mark (even if it's imperceptible) behind.
