Yesterday, I wrote about the exciting Brewer game Monday night and the amazing way things happen I've not seen before.
The roof was open to start the game, a hot and humid affair, and the open panels and large skylight helped create a little breeze to offer some cooling respite.
Then during the game, the three panels from left field and two panels from right started to close. It takes 16 minutes.
No rain in sight, but the day was full of scattered showers and storms (we drove through two of them on the way to the game), and closing the roof meant no weather delay would happen.
Less than an hour later, the roof re-opened, the storm threat apparently past. It was interesting that even on a cloudy overcast day how much natural light there is in the sky.
Even with all the bright man-made lights shining down on the field, it became noticeably darker when the roof closed. When it re-opened so did the natural illumination.
The roof was a controversial and expensive "add-on" to the stadium, but it's paid off many times. As a fan who once had a five hour one way drive to the stadium, it was a relief to know the game would start as promised.
Last night demonstrated man might be able to keep the rain out, but when it comes to light (and The Light) nothing beats the awesome creation we are blessed to inhabit.
The roof was open to start the game, a hot and humid affair, and the open panels and large skylight helped create a little breeze to offer some cooling respite.
Then during the game, the three panels from left field and two panels from right started to close. It takes 16 minutes.
No rain in sight, but the day was full of scattered showers and storms (we drove through two of them on the way to the game), and closing the roof meant no weather delay would happen.
Less than an hour later, the roof re-opened, the storm threat apparently past. It was interesting that even on a cloudy overcast day how much natural light there is in the sky.
Even with all the bright man-made lights shining down on the field, it became noticeably darker when the roof closed. When it re-opened so did the natural illumination.
The roof was a controversial and expensive "add-on" to the stadium, but it's paid off many times. As a fan who once had a five hour one way drive to the stadium, it was a relief to know the game would start as promised.
Last night demonstrated man might be able to keep the rain out, but when it comes to light (and The Light) nothing beats the awesome creation we are blessed to inhabit.
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