Happy Birthday Matthew

Twenty-six years ago on a very hot day in Pierre, South Dakota - Matt joined the Mossner family.

He had no idea what was in store.  Of course, neither did we!  The years go by quick.

The little guy waiting for me to get home from work to throw the ball to him holding a great big wiffle bat and his glove.

The excited big brother, eager to hold him and wonder when he'll be big enough to play with outside.

The kid heading off to kindergarten, eager for school and ready to learn.

Slightly older and less interested in stuff in the classroom, but discovering fish.  It was the only thing that kept him at Camp for one week one summer long ago.

Learning to drive, Dad getting out of the car in the empty school parking lot until he figured out the mysterious voodoo of shifting gears.

Heading to work while finishing high school... working till close and then deciding it would be fun to go play video games without calling home first (the folks would be asleep) and Dad heading out in his car at 3a.m. searching the back roads.   The look on the son's face when he saw Dad looking for him at 3:30 was sufficient punishment.

He's determined and stubborn (a trait he gets from his father) and has lots of dreams - God's Blessings, Matt - here's to a great 27th year! 
