Cloudy Pictures

As a kid one of the best ways to pass the time was watching the pictures forming and dissipating in the sky.

There's Mickey Mouse - there's a car - a flower - a cat - a piano.   Looking again a few minutes later, the picture was gone, replaced by something else.

Maybe the ability to see things that aren't there diminishes as we get older.  I confess to not spending enough time staring at the skies doing etch-a-sketch designs on a blue palette.

There are other places you might see these kind of images.  (Maybe I am just completely nuts and none of you reading this have ever seen pictures and images come together in a tile floor, wood paneling, or polished rock.)

In the linoleum floor I've seen pictures of an old sailor with a weathered face, and hat.  Viewed at the right angle, old and current friends come to life they materialize and vanish into geometric shapes and figures.

The cloudy pictures take shape in the recesses of our mind and speak of past and future - it's bright sparks of imagination - it's  crystal blue hallucinations -  keep looking - you never know what you will see next!
