It had been 'held' to a floor with duct tape (or duck tape) and whomever put it away didn't remove the tape, but rolled the cord up with the tape attached.
Maybe it may have been the last century for all I know, since the outside gray of the tape was disintegrating into dust with a flick of a butterfly's wing.
Just as I was able to remove the tape, but the sticky residue remained. Or, the stuff remained that didn't adhere to my hands.
I tried hot, soapy water was applied with a scrubbing sponge... nope.
Likewise, dry scrubbing... nothing.
Yikes, even liberally applied DeGreaser (isn't tapey-ness kind of a grease?) only made it shine.
Where, I wondered, is Heloise at a time like this?
You remember Heloise, don't you? The woman who had a short column in the daily newspaper with helpful answers on how to get gum out of your hair or change your car's oil with a pair of pantyhose, tube socks, and a pair of pliers.
Well, even though I haven't seen a column with her name on it in years - turns out she is still out there - should I say is now Heloise (the Sequel). To take a clue from the spirit of Heloise, it made sense to get a hint from Google. The current Heloise took over the family business from her mom at her death - and lives on in Good Housekeeping and online.
Now, I still haven't found the answer to the cord's stickiness - but since I won't need it for a long time I plan to use my old standby for such predicaments - that it will somehow heal itself.
That could work, couldn't it?
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