Weekend Visit

A friend and former member of the Speech Team I was privileged to coach paid a visit over the weekend while spending an internship in a nearby city.

It was a whirlwind of visiting, touring, and sightseeing.

Saturday morning and there we were on the Capitol Square to take in Madison's own Farmer's Market that lines all four sides of the Capitol and spills across the street.  It's a visual feast of reds, oranges, greens, and every color of the rainbow.

Flowers, vegetables, bakery items, and (since this is Madison) various causes and groups angling to share their important causes with the passers by.

We took Katie down the famous (or infamous - depending on the topic) State Street that serves as a pedestrian mall between the Capitol and the University of Wisconsin campus.  There was a trip to north of the city for a ferry ride, and a meal at one of the city's iconic restaurants.

There was time along Lake Mendota basking in the sights and sounds of a beautiful spring day on the famous Union Terrace Sunday morning.

Best of all, there was time to talk and hear what's happened to her with the completion of her first year in college and what may lay ahead in the future.

It was a good visit and fun to introduce her to some Wisconsin wonder.  That journey will continue in August with another trip - this time to the State Fair.  Katie, you ain't seen nuthin' yet!
