It's the Mourning Cloak Butterfly - 'captured' when walking through a glass hallway a few weeks ago and I saw it warming up against the glass.
The information I found about it doesn't give a reason for it's name, but maybe that is because it so obvious.
The predominant black with just a little hint of sky blue and hopeful yellow along the edges. Yes, that would be suitable for a proper 'mourning cloak.'
These butterflies are doing fine anywhere in North America south of the Arctic Circle, some migrate south in the fall while others manage to overwinter. That is a good bit of adaptation. The adults mate in the spring and the resulting caterpillars pupate and emerge as adults in early to mid-summer. They are then dormant until fall when they re-emerge and feed before hibernation or catching Southwest Airlines for a trip to Florida.
Among the talents I've been blessed with, design is not one of them, but in seeing the beauty with which God created this delicate and strong creature - I can completely imagine the ultimate funeral wear.
A somber black core, with edges of yellow trim and bright eyes of blue around the shoulder and neck. Even if it's not what we might actually wear, it is a way we can live.
Sorrow for the loss - with hope and expectation for the future while resting in the knowledge that our loved one is in a much better place.
That's a proper cloak we can wear confidently in Christ.
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