Left Behind

Starting at a very early age, there are just things we need to leave behind.

The baby Robin leaves one nest for a roomier locale only to leave that soon after for spacious skies above.

So it is with us.

It's a cycle that repeats itself over and over again.  Heading out the door for school, whether Pre-K or first grade then cycling from one grade to the next with graduated bumps into middle school, high school, college, and life!

Life all of a sudden brings with it a lot of baggage that we choose to carry.  Some is precious and worth more than life itself - faith and families.  Other things - like that once pristine Nintendo 64 console are more likely to be a hit on 'American Pickers' than necessary for the new family room or mancave - and can be left on the side of the road or in a box at the Goodwill.

As jobs change, we leave boxes of vocational memories stacked alongside file cabinets and dust covered plaques, only to be replaced by new ones from the new employer.

Homes change on a steady Bell Curve... growing larger after graduation through launching our own fledglings from the nest and then begin a downsizing slope to smaller homes, an apartment, assisted living, and (for some) a final reprise of a dormitory without the collegiate special effects and features.

Finally, we get the last earthly downsize into, as Jerry Seinfeld said, 'The ultimate moving box.'

Fortunately, the great news beyond that small, dark space is having another thing to leave behind for the crystal blue skies, gold paths, and joy in the light of heaven.  From there we'll leave nothing back again. 
