Keep Geese Out!

For reasons I can't quite figure out, Canadian Geese are considered to be on a 'safe' list because of their status as migratory waterfowl.

Well, someone should notify the geese.  While we lived in central Indiana, those honking pellet machines didn't just settle in, they purchased land and were passing it through their estate plans.

At Lutheran High, the geese were ornery enough during mating season that in protecting their nests, they would attack people.

Yes, attack people.  (OK, it's not like the geese carried side arms or pulled knives, but they were very annoying and did inflict pain with their bites.)

Dogs could be set on them, and that might get them away for a while.  Thanks to a special permit, eggs could be disposed of prior to hatching that hopefully broke the cycle of birds returning each year.

But on the beaches of Governor Nelson State Park, the coyote decoys might be a good solution.

I've seen cut-outs of coyotes before, but nothing that appeared quite this real before.  The beaches didn't have any calling cards left behind, so maybe it works.

Consider it a coyote costume party!
