Joy Joy Joy

The Lord has done great things for us,    and we are filled with joy. Psalm 126:03

The speaker we invited into our Donor Recognition Event at Oakwood Village this week used this passage as one he keeps top of mind to recall in the midst of life's uh-oh's, that there are many more alleluias.

He even personalized it a bit more than the New International Version:  "The Lord has done great things for me, and I am filled with joy!"

Dr Rich Bimler shared the Blessings of Growing Older - and among the many lasting lessons was the one I wanted to share with you today.

He shared a story of a person, up in years, wondering why they were still around.  From their perspective there was no point - friends and family were dead or dying, physical usefulness seemed past, and there seemed to be very little they could contribute in our culture that would seem 'significant.' 

So, they 'resigned.'  In their evening prayer, they prayed that they were done and tendering their resignation to their Lord and Savior.

When they woke up with the sun the next morning... realizing the resignation had been refused meant there was yet another day when they could make a difference!

It could happen when you don't even realize it - a few seconds being kind to the harried cashier at the Big Box Store - that helps shape and lift someone's day.  There many ways our Father can use us to help others.

So, as we near the half-way point of 2013 - celebrated an early Thanksgiving and think of the many great things the Lord has done for you.

Your heart will be filled with joy!
