It's the Fat!

It's the Chocolate Shoppe's BratFest Cookie Dough flavor served at the recent music and Bratwurst festival - with special colors to match the ketchup and mustard toppings available in the condiment line.

Frankly (pun intended!), I was told some time ago that putting ketchup on bratwurst is a no-no, but as a fan of Heinz, I won't stop anyone from putting it in their brat bun.

It tasted great - and as I was making my way through the two great scoops - I noticed the Ingredient list on the other side of the cup:

Nutritional Information:
Don't even ask.  This is the best ice cream made in Wisconsin, and it tastes so good because it has gobs of rich Wisconsin cream, tons of real ingredients for boat-loads of luscious flavors.  

That means it's not low-fat, low-calorie, or low-anything, and that's why everyone loves it.

You want nutrition, eat carrots.

Tell me, don't you wish all ingredient lists were this honest?

Dairymaid, would you please scoop up another round for me and my friends?
