Dad 1939 - 2012

It was a year ago today that Dad, William Richard Mossner, went home to heaven.

Much too soon for us, but also not soon enough for him.

Dad was a strong Christian who lived, worked, and breathed a Christian witness to all around.

A great example to his children and to many friends and colleagues.

One of the many touching things at his funeral last year for me, was meeting a customer of his who flew from Washington State to pay his respects. 

It's difficult to believe it's been a year already... so many things have happened (new job and a move to Madison, Wisconsin) and in other ways time stood still.

It seems like years since Dad was here to attend a ballgame and at the same time it feels like just yesterday that I saw his smiling face.

In the midst of the shock and grief over his sudden death last year after suffering a stroke while volunteering at the Indianapolis Air Show was the comfort we had in his strong faith in Jesus as his Savior.

In my Father's house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also.  John 14: 2 - 3

Thanks Dad - and thanks to our Father in heaven for the gift of great fathers.
