Berry Berry Strawberry!

It's Strawberry Harvest Time in these parts of Wisconsin and there's nothing quite as good as fresh strawberries.

A pint came with our first box of CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) vegetables delivered this past Thursday.  The little gems were sweet just as they came out of the box.

Topped with whipped cream and maybe paired with some cake - outstanding!

The Hilldale Farmer's Market hosted its first ever Berry Berry Festival Saturday on what turned into a rainy and humid day.

Free for the guests - individual servings of Strawberry Shortcake that packed a nice tasty punch while strolling through their Farmer's Market offerings.

Strawberries in Wisconsin are a lot like the summer - kind of a comet across the sky - that is much anticipated and then gone too soon.

As we like to remind ourselves up here, enjoy the summer - cause winter isn't that far off.  That knowledge allows us to appreciate and savor the season - even with its occasionally hot and humid days.

Sure, strawberries are good anytime... but if you want to really enjoy them - pick 'em yourself or get them at a road-side stand.  You will be glad you did.

It's summer - enjoy!
