The summer Festival season is upon us - and could there be a better way to start than with a wonderful piece of Wisconsin sausage?

The World's Largest Bratfest started in 1983 as a way for the Metcalfe's grocery store to thank it's customers.  Over the years it grew and grew and became a fundraiser for charities all over Madison and Dane County.

More than 3 million brats have been sold since then, and $1.2 million dollars raised for charity.

Now, it's a four day celebration of brats (hot dogs and veggie dogs available) and music at the Dane County Fairgrounds on Willow Island.

That was our destination on a beautiful Friday afternoon.  Free Admission and the Brats were just $2 each.  Hot roasted Sweet Corn and all kinds of other treats available to keep everybody happy and refreshed for hours and hours.

Johnsonville Sausage donates the bratwurst and it was great.  I enjoyed mine with mustard and sweet relish, just like a friend taught me to enjoy them.

It's a great coming together of people to enjoy themselves and help others.  This year, in addition to the Dane County charities, organizers are filling trailers with supplies to help the tornado survivors in Oklahoma.

That kind of combination will put a smile on just about any 'dog.'
