"Sunlight is painting."
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Hawthorne lived from 1804 to 1864 - but he certainly caught the art being drawn around him.
Each day - the sun starts painting the skies before it even gets out of bed itself - dabbling with pinks and oranges and gold around the darker blues and purples that rush to the edges as it readies to appear.
The first hour or so is the 'golden hour' as the way you see the things around you that first sixty minutes of the day won't be repeated again. Certainly, not that day. Maybe not ever again.
As you watch the impact from the sun as it changes the angle of its brush as it traces an arc across the heavens - pay attention to the shadows and the light that isn't in the corners that provide depth to the light-hogs.
As the painter's brush stays longer with us each day - take a moment on the drive to work or on a long morning's walk - and be sure to notice the pictures being painted for us everyday.
Painted by the sun, perhaps... more appropriately... painted by the Creator of the sun and the Son. What Hawthorne noticed is no doubt the same kernel of thought David had many, many years ago:
This is the day the Lord has made, let us be glad and rejoice in it!
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